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Thompson United Methodist Church

6758 Madison Road

Mission Statement:

To LIVE our faith, To SHARE our faith, And to SERVE.

Vision Statement:

To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ.

Statement of Faith:

We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God.

We believe the church is the Body of Christ and is God’s instrument for evangelizing the world.

We believe in one God, Creator of all things, who exists in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that salvation comes by faith, through grace, and only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ; eternal life comes only through His bodily resurrection.

We believe that the Holy Spirit lives within us to convict and regenerate the believer by guiding, instructing and empowering us for Godly living and service.

We believe we are created in God’s image and that all life is sacred.

We believe that Christ will come again as He said He would.

About Us:

Thompson United Methodist Church, which celebrated 175 years of ministry in 2004 is a church that teaches traditional Christian faith and values. (See our Statement of Faith) It is important these days to stress that we teach that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and that salvation comes by faith, through grace, and only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord, Son of God, and Savior.

At Thompson we seek to worship God through songs, prayer, and preaching, in our Sunday Morning Services. We offer a mix of contemporary worship songs and old favorite hymns. An open invitation to prayer for any need is given during worship.

On any given Sunday you will find children’s sermons, special music, and exciting events announced. Pastor Harley preaches to offer listeners an opportunity to live for Jesus Christ. Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of every month.

Thompson Church believes we should live our faith, share our faith, and serve. Our Ministries page shows some of the ways that we do these things. We are glad to receive prayer requests and are interested in visiting the sick or shut-in in our community.
