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The First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne

140 North Lansdowne Avenue


Local Mission Group Forming: A small group from the Mission Committee, Deacons and others is exploring helping those in our congregation and community who are need of housing repairs and are unable to get help because of cost or inability to find skilled workers. With some funding from our Mission Committee and the Deacons and others and some volunteer help (Would you be willing to help a day, a month or even a few hours every few months?), we would like to start to plan to hire a contractor to do the assessment and the bulk of the project. Several volunteers of various skill levels from “go-fors” to assistant carpenters would help on each day-long project.


The First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne will strive to be a true fellowship of believers, so filled with spiritual energy and joy that it cannot be contained within its family, but will over flow into the community as a totally contagious God-directed phenomenon. This will be characterized by countless acts of kindness, expressions of compassionate caring, joyful laughter and a warm irresistible invitation to know the love of God as shown to us through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
