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Sherman Church of Christ

1055 Sherman Mount Zion Road


- We take the Bible as our only rule of faith and practice.

- We believe the Bible is inspired, inerrant, authoritative, relevant to all times and absolutely true.

- In honor of Jesus Christ our Lord, we wear the Bible-given name for His followers: "Christians".

- To remember Jesus' death on the cross for us, we observe the Lord's Supper each week on the Lord's Day after the example of the early Christians.

- We uphold the seven essentials for Christian unity among the followers of Christ: "One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God."

- We believe that Jesus Christ, the virgin born Son of God is the only way for man to be saved from his sins and have eternal life.

- We believe that sinners are saved BY grace, THROUGH faith, completed at the faith act of baptism.

- We believe that baptism "in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins" is an essential part of a penitent sinner's personal obedience to the gospel of Christ, and is to be practiced by immersion only.

    - We believe the benefits of obeying the gospel of Christ are God's gifts of:

    - Forgiveness of sins
    - Eternal life
    - Salvation
    - Peace with God
    - Added to the church by the Lord
    - The Holy Spirit dwelling within our hearts

- We believe the churches of Christ are independent congregations, needing no extra-congregational structure or denomination. Each congregation is organized with Elders, Evangelists and Deacons to provide leadership and direction for the ministry of each congregation.

- We believe that EVERY Christian should make EVERY effort to lead others to faith in Jesus, to be ready for His return and the judgment to follow.
