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Montgomery County Police And Fire Fighters Lions Club

144 North Narberth Avenue


Since 1917, Lions Clubs have offered people, the opportunity to give something back to their
communities. From involving Members in projects, such as cleaning up an area park, or as
far-reaching as bringing sight to the World's blind. Lions Clubs have always, embraced those
committed, to building a brighter future for their community.

Today with more than 1.45 Million Members, and over 48,000 Lions Clubs, in 200 Countries,
Lions have expanded their focus, to help meet the ever-increasing needs, of our global community.

Our programs are continually changing, to meet new needs and greater demands, but our mission
has never wavered: "We Serve.

A Triump Of an Idea:

The International Association of Lions Clubs began, as the dream of Chicago insuramnce man Melvin Jones, who wondered why local business clubs, in which he was an active Member of one, could not expand their horizons, from purely business concerns, to the betterment of their Communities, and the World at large.

Jones' idea struck a chord within his own group, the "Business Circle of Chicago", and they authorized him to explore his concept, with similar organizations, from around the United States. His efforts resulted in an Organizational Meeting at a local hotel, on June 7, 1917.

The 12 men who gathered there, overcame a natural scense of loyalty to their parent clubs, voted the "Assoctaion of Lions Clubs" into existed, and issued a call for a National Convention, to be held in Dallas, Texas, USA, in October of the same year.

Thirty-six delegates, representing 22 Clubs from nine States, headed the call, approved the "Lions Clubs" designation, and elected Dr. William P. Woods, of Indiana, as their First President. Guiding force and founder, Melvin Jones, was named as secretary, thus began as Association with Lionism, that only ended with his death in 1961.

That First Convention, also began to define, what Lionism was to become. A Constitution and By-Laws were adopted, the colors of purple and gold approved, and a start made on Lionism's Objectives and Code of Ethics.

One of the objects was startling, for an era, that prided itself on mercenary indivualism, and has remained one of the main tenets of Lionism ever since. "No Club," it read, "shall hold out the financial betterment of its Members as its object.

Community Leaders soon began to organize Clubs, throughout the United States, and the Association became "International", with the formation of the Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lions Club, in 1920. Clubs were later organized in China, mexico, and Cuba, by 1927, Membership stood at 60,000 in 1,183 Clubs.

In 1935, Panama became home to the First Central American Club, with the first South American Club, being organized in Columbia the following year. Lionsim reached Europe in 1948, as Clubs were Charterd in Sweden, Switzerland, and France. In 1952, the first Club was Chartered in Japan. Since then, the association has become truly global, with the Clubs in more than 170 Countries, and geographical areas Worldwide.

The Name:

The proper name of the Association is "The International Association of Lions Clubs." Many Lions however, prefer the use of the shorter form of "Lions Clubs International.

The Emblem:

Throughout the World, Lions are recognized by the Emblem they wear on their lapels. It consists of a gold letter "L" on a circular purple field. Bordering this is a circular gold area with two Lion profiles at either side facing away from the center. The word "Lions" appears at the top, and "International" at the bottom. Symbolically, the Lions face past and future, proud of the past and confident of thhe future. Lions wear their emblem with pride.

The Motto:

The Motto of every Lion is simply "We Serve". What better way to express the true Mission of Lionsm.

The Slogan:

The slogan of the association is "Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation's saftey (Lions).

Official Colors:

The royal colors of purple and gold, were selected as the Official Colors, when the association was organized in 1917. Purple stands for loyalty to friends and one's self, and for integrity in life and generosity in mind, heart and purpose toward humanity.