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Millersburg United Methodist Church

5395 Township Road 336

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Millersburg United Methodist Church is to become disciples of Christ who proclaim him Lord and Savior, who nurture and serve all creation in God's name.

Our Vision

The vision of the Millersburg United Methodist Church is to be a vibrant gathering of faithful Christian believers in and near the Millersburg community. We hope to reach out to our neighbors in Christian love with the message of the gospel of Christ. We desire to be faithful and effective in evangelism, mission, and works of mercy. We want to be strong disciples of Jesus who have been formed through prayer, Bible study, worship, and ministry. We see ourselves as only one of many local congregations of Christians who serve God each in their own way. Yet, we see our church as offering some ministries unique to our strengths, talents and gifts. Our vision is to be a church where God is taken seriously and discipleship to Christ is our continual aim.

Our Core Values

- We value the Bible as the final authority for our faith and practice.
- We value the historic creeds of the church as trustworthy statements of our faith.
- We value the Wesleyan understanding of prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace.
- We value Christian fellowship as an avenue for spiritual accountability and encouragement.
- We value Christian worship as our primary and ultimate offering to God.
- We value Christian Education of children and adults as one of the primary reasons for the existence of the church.
- We value spiritual disciplines as means of grace in and through our lives.
- We value the Great Commission of Christ found in Matthew 28:19-20 as the church-s original and best mission statement.
- We value all people regardless of age, race, or physical or mental ability as children of God who are created in his image and are worthy of our protection and receiving our love.
- We value holiness in heart and life as our reasonable service to and worship of God.
- We value unity and peace in the church, which is the Body of Christ, as our witness to the world of our ultimate loyalty to God.
