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Life Line Bible Baptist Church Of Pioneer

P O Box 338

Every word of all 66 books of the Bible is inspired and preserved by God: II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 12:6-7.
The AV 1611 (Authorized Version King James) Bible is the inerrant word of God to be used.
God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one, and form the Godhead: I John 5:7.
The Lord Jesus Christ is God: I John 5:20, 3:16; Titus 2:13; I Timothy 3:16; Colossians 1:16; Genesis 1:1.
Jesus laid down His life for us, and shed His blood to pay for our sins: I John 3:16; I Corinthians 15:1-6; Acts 20:28.
Salvation today comes by trusting in, and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour: Romans 10:9-13.
If you reject the free salvation God the Father offers you through the Lord Jesus Christ, you will spend eternity in the lake of fire: Revelation 20:11-15.
Water baptism comes after a person trusts the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour, and has nothing to do with salvation. Water baptism pictures a Christian's death, burial, and resurrection; his being baptized with the Holy Spirit; and, his submission to the authority of the pastor of the local church: I Corinthians 1:17; I Peter 3:21.
Every believer needs to attend and support an independent, local Baptist church. Hebrews 10:25
The Church (all believers since Pentecost, Acts 2) is going out in the translation of the saints before the tribulation begins: I Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:9.
The Lord Jesus Christ will return to this earth after the tribulation to establish a 1000 year kingdom over which He will personally rule: Revelation 19. Welcome back, KING OF KINGS!