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Lewiston Rotary Club


History of Lewiston Rotary Club The Lewiston Rotary Club received its charter on October 17, 1922. The Moscow Rotary Club, sponsor of Lewiston's entry into the association, presented the charter conferring full membership in, the National Association of Rotary Clubs. The gala event included an elaborate dinner at the Lewis-Clark Hotel, then the center of social activities in Lewiston. The program featuring addresses by Col. Paul Weyrauch of Walla Walla and President A. H. Upham of the University of Idaho. Entertainment by local talent was also part of the evenings festivities.

The makeup of the newly chartered club reflected a true cross section of the community's business interests. Many of the original members were community leaders of that era. Charter members of the club included: Fred Kling, President; H.H. Bratton, Secretary; R.R. Anderson, Charles F. Bennett, E.M. Booth, W.H. Bristol, F.E. Butler, William Crapo, E.C. Dick, R.S. Erb, E.M. Ehrhardt, H.E. Fowler, W.A. Gibson, W.J. Jordon, I.G. Kjosness, Charles Lee, John H. Lewis, R.S. Loring, W.F. McMahan, H.E. Morton, O.E. Norberg, Charles Parker, F.W. Straw, T.S. Ward, and R.J. White. Shortly after the golden anniversary of the Lewiston Club in 1972, the Lewiston Morning Tribune had a Special Rotary Edition.

At that time the program of Rotary was offered as follows: "Rotary's program is expressed in its objective, which is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First:

The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. Second: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society. Third: The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his personal, business, and community life. Fourth:

The advancement of international understanding, good will and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional men united in the ideal of service." Over the eight decades of Rotary in Lewiston a continuing effort has been made for the betterment of the community. Rotary volunteers and funds have been given to a varied and diverse list of beneficiaries, ranging from the establishment of Camp Nee-Wah-Lu for Camp Fire Girls to Rotary Foundation Fellowships for graduate students to study in countries other than their own. Over the years the club helped to sponser fund raising activities such as the Appaloosa Horse Show, Gilbert and Sullivan Operas, and other musical presentations to raise funds for community welfare.

With the passage of time since the Lewiston Rotary Club received its charter, the club has grown, prospered and changed to reflect the community that it represents. Reflective of that change is the opening of membership to women in 1988. Weekly luncheon meetings continue to provide an opportunity for members to share in the fellowship of Rotary and to identify and plan activities for the benefit of the Lewiston area. For many years the club met at the Lewis-Clark Hotel. With the closure of the Hotel, other locations were tried, including Morgan's Alley, The Helm and finally The Red Lion Hotel.