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Halifax United Methodist Church

105 Wind Hill Drive


"So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but also our own selves, because you have become so very dear to us."

Vision And Purpose

As the waters flow through the Susquehanna, so shall the Spirit of God flow through this congregation. As the river provides a source of life and growth to the valley, so shall this congregation provide a source of life, faith, and growth to the community around us. As we must journey over the hills and through the valleys to get to where we need to be, so shall we lead the people and journey with them as they experience sorrows in the valleys of shadows and the joys of the mountaintops, holding onto the promise even when confronted with problems, always moving toward the One who gives us life and purpose.

Halifax United Methodist Church shall be a leader and a teacher, that people might learn to follow in faith and grow in grace. Through the work of our hands and the compassion of our hearts we shall be the body of Christ in this place, proclaiming the gospel in word and deed. We shall reach out boldly, knowing that the kingdom of God will grow in us and through us. We will stand in the presence of God and faithfully go forth no matter where He leads. We shall be the people of God, created in His love, redeemed through His grace, empowered by His presence.
