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Grace Episcopal Church

5096 Grace Church Lane

Organized in 1865, Grace Episcopal Church is located near the village of Casanova off Rogues Road which was formerly known as Old Carolina Road. Grace Church was built on land given by the Randolph family that was originally part of the King Carter Grant.

The first simple wooden church was begun in 1868 and called Emmanuel Chapel. By 1871, Emmanuel Parish had been formed and at that time stretched from Auburn on Cedar Run to the Rappahannock River. That building was destroyed by fire in 1908, and the present church was built in 1909 as well as a larger Parish House in the village that remains a focal point for community life in Casanova today.

Annual Halloween parties, Christmas pageants, coffehouse music events, dinners and bazaars offered for all the neighborhood to enjoy, give shape to each season. The Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day and the Blessing of the Hounds of the Casanova Hunt are lively reminders of our need to nurture Christianity in everyday life.

Now a Family Center has been added near the church itself to house the Sunday School, smaller meetings and classes in Christian education for adults. A Healing Center to aid the recovery of minds and hearts as well as bodies has been growing with the help of the church community. A labyrinth to guide prayer and meditation is also presently under construction on the lovely green which joins the church to the Family Center.

Strongly rooted in tradition but with our eyes turned to the future, Grace Church continues to grow and serve Casanova and its surrounding areas.

Mission Statement:

Grace Church is called to be a loving and joyful community of people who know and worship Jesus Christ as their Savior and follow him as Lord. Here we are to be transformed by the power of God's unconditional grace and love, for healing of body, mind, and spirit, for reconciliation of those who are in painful relationships, and for spiritual growth. We are then sent into the world to witness to that love in word and deed in service to others.
