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Finland Mennonite Church

1750 Ziegler Road

Vision :

- We will be a dynamic, vibrant part of the Body of Christ, actively ministering to the families of our congregation and local community.
- We will be a place where the Bible is central to all preaching and teaching, its authority recognized, and its values owned by every member of this Body.
- We will become a dynamic and vibrant Body, through intensive and intentional Bible study and discipleship, including open and honest accountability and through worship services that lift the spirit, inspire the soul, and give glory to God.
- We begin this journey as a small congregation. It is therefore necessary to set priorities for ministry. Our first priority is to see to it that our Sunday morning worship services and our Sunday School time fit this vision as soon as possible. Ministering to young families, children and youth outside Sunday mornings is our next priority. When we are effective in these, there will be other ministries that will occur as natural outgrowths of these two priorities.
- We will foster an atmosphere in our worship services, Sunday school and other activities, both here at the church and at other places, where visitors will feel welcome and easily connected. The method of outreach that fits our congregation best is "relational outreach".
- We will minister to families through effective, Bible based pre-marriage counseling, parenting classes and workshops. These activities will focus on teaching parents and couples how to deal with the stresses of their lives in a Christ-like manner.
- We believe that new people will begin to worship with us. Some of these people will not be familiar with Anabaptist theology.
- We will make it a priority to teach and model what it means to be Anabaptist. As we grow numerically our Anabaptist theology will continue to be clearly taught and emphasized.
- We believe the Holy Spirit has given this vision and will bless its implementation. One of the results of this blessing will be numerical growth. We will be fully prepared to grow, from a spiritual, logistical and emotional perspective.
- We recognize that as a "Vision Statement" this is a future oriented document.
- We will continue to work hard at meeting the needs of all parts of this Body of Christ. Every believer at Finland is a part of the Body of Christ and as such each person has an important role to play in the life of this Body.
- We will do all of the above through the strength of God, for HIS glory and always seeking HIS guidance.
