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Christiana Presbyterian Church

150 Parsons Road

Mission Statement:

Christiana Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a gathering of people who seek substantive and perpetual spiritual growth in faith and understanding so that we will follow the Word of God through Jesus Christ. We gather in search of inspired understanding of the worship of God as a way of life. Out of this understanding, we enjoy fellowship with one another and reach out to our neighbors near and far in witness to Christ's gospel.

Our Goals and Strategies


We will seek substantive and perpetual spiritual growth in faith and understanding so that we will follow the Word of God through Jesus Christ. To pursue this goal, we will develop an understanding of the worship of God as a way of life by

Providing many ways of worshiping, including Sunday morning worship service, retreats, contemporary or blended worship services as needed, and expansion of the music ministry;
Providing diverse fellowship opportunities;and
Encouraging discipleship through development of Biblical literacy, instruction in Presbyterian Reformed theology, and commitment to daily application of our faith.

We will develop a comprehensive outreach strategy, which will include:

Communicating our active, welcoming presence in the community;
Providing local community service and discovering our particular service niche;
Participating in global service ministries; and
Focusing on gradual growth in number and diversity of service projects and aiming for 100% congregational involvement.