
Weir Farm National Historical Park Volunteer Earns Girl Scout Gold Award

Sports and Recreation

June 14, 2023

Weir Farm Volunteer Gisella Castagna Earns Girl Scout Gold Award for Dragonfly Mercury Pollution Project

Congratulations to Weir Farm Volunteer Gisella Castagna for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award for a special project completed at Weir Farm in 2022. Gisella's project included conducting research alongside National Park Service scientists and educating the public about the effects of mercury pollution on wildlife and ecosystems. Weir Farm NHP participates in a nationwide research project called the Dragonfly Mercury Project that measures mercury levels by analyzing dragonfly larvae. Larvae collected from Weir Pond and other national parks help scientists understand public health and wildlife mercury risk locally and across the United States. Gisella's project made this information accessible through educational programming.

Gisella created an informational handout with original illustrations that highlights data from Weir Farm's participation in the national dragonfly mercury project. She developed Junior Ranger activities and co-hosted a Junior Ranger Family Fun Day with Friends of Weir Farm. She also created a fun and informative video highlighting her project!

Check out the informational handout HERE!

Watch the Dragonfly Mercury Project Video HERE!

Gisella presented her project during the Girl Scouts Change the World Expo in Waterbury, CT on June 4, 2023, and was honored at the Gold Award Ceremony that followed. The Friends of Weir Farm will use the materials Gisella created to host another Dragonfly Family Fun Day this summer, August 6th from 1-4pm. 

Thank you for your work to educate the public about this important research and encourage support for environmental issues Gisella!