
The Douglas Way -- Happy Halloween

Arts and Entertainment

November 1, 2023

This has been a phenomenal fall, and I want to thank everyone who has worked so hard to make it happen. The Friends of the Library raised $429.64 from their Oktoberfest Book Sale, $5,000 from Jim Saviano's Dagger Raffle, and $9,918 from their Fall Online Auction: a total of $15,347.64! All of that is going straight into the Library building fund.

Adding to the joy of the season, Unibank donated $2,000 to the Library for digital material, allowing us to purchase an additional 56 licenses in Libby! To read more about this donation, e-book lending models, and legislation being worked on to bring the cost of ebooks under control, click here.

Why do we fundraise, though? Why do we keep reserving money for library renovations? Well, our hot-off-the-press Building Program that was prepared with your input might give you an idea! It's 98 pages, which is why I'm keeping this newsletter short and sweet, and it is important to read the document with some context, which I highly encourage you to get here.

Happy Halloween! Go steal some of your kiddos' candy and read that building program!