
Mill Ballet School : En Pointe Newsletter - September 28, 2022

Arts and Entertainment

September 30, 2022

From: Mill Ballet School

En Pointe
Keeping you on pointe with Mill Ballet & Roxey Ballet

A Look Ahead...
October 5th: Contemporary Modern Day of Dance hosted by Katie Messina & Meg Gourley
October 7th: American Red Cross Blood Drive
October 9th: Travis Manion 9/11 Heroes Run Trainee Performance
October 21st: Opening night of Roxey Ballet's Dracula

Don't Miss This One Time Workshop!

Mill Ballet School Alumni & current professional dancer Catherine Messina will be hosting a contemporary modern workshop Wednesday October 5th from 9:30-4:30 alongside Meg Gourley.

To register for the modern workshop, please register online through the Mill Ballet website and it will be listed under Workshops 22/23.

Help Save Lives & Donate Blood!

We are excited to partner with the American Red Cross on October 7th to launch the first of what we hope will be many blood drives. We’ll be working together to give back to the community in a truly life changing way since each donation we collect can save up to three lives. We hope you come out to donate!

The Red Cross has been making a humanitarian impact for more than 130 years, and has been collecting blood for over 70 of those years. We can all be part of something important when we work with the Red Cross to strengthen the blood supply and give back to our community.

Let’s make an impact on October 7th and add saving lives to our list of great accomplishments.

Sign Up Here

"If Not Me, Then Who?"

These are the inspiring words of Travis Manion before he went off to fight for America in Iraq. The Mill Ballet School Trainees will perform "We Run" at the Travis Manion 9/11 Heroes Run in Doylestown, PA which has been a tradition for many years at the Opening Ceremony. They will also perform a new work called "Rescue" choreographed by Kylie Conlon.

"Rescue is a piece about community coming together to work as one. When you are feeling hopeless, alone, or down, the community is there to let you know that you are heard and you are loved. When you have a heavy weight on your shoulders, the community is there to help carry it. They are your safety net and will do anything the make sure you don’t fall."

We hope you can come out to this event! To sign up for the run, register by clicking the button below.

Register Here!

Character Dance & It's Importance in Classical Ballet

Watch this video from this past year's Character Exam for the Finland International Summer Ballet School at the Vaganova Academy!

As we approach Nutcracker, it's important that we look at different cultures in character dance as many ballet steps originate from what we call "character dance". As ballet formally started in Western Europe in the 1400's as a means for creating a central method of formal dance in the royal courts to show off; however, in the various regions and cultures of every European country the natives were expressing themselves through their own styles of dance to celebrate events in their local life like marriage, deaths, harvests, births, war, and even birthdays. As ballet became more popular in Europe through the 1500 - 1600 there were more opportunities for members of the lower class and smaller villages to experience ballet which led to the eventual collaboration between what was considered formalized dance (Ballet) and the more traditional cultural dances of the people who lived out in the country. This is why in every major ballet there is an element of character dance found in the choreography. It is called character dance because each style has characteristics of the region the dances were created and danced in.

Experience the Magic of Nutcracker Season...

Experience the magic of the Nutcracker & the holiday season with these Nutcracker inspired events.

Sugar Plum Story Time

Bring the magic of the Sugarplum Fairy to your child's classroom, daycare, or after school group or organization. Read below for more details!

The Nutcracker "Suites" & Tea Party

Roxey Ballet invites the whole family to the Nutcracker "Suites" and Tea Party on November 13th, 2022. Spend a fun filled afternoon enjoying a diverse  selection of sweets, coffee, tea and hot chocolate with the characters from The Nutcracker. Children and parents alike can expect delicious performances by the professional artists of the Roxey Ballet!  The afternoon includes autographs and photos with your favorite characters, a special dance performance, a story time by the Sugar Plum Fairy and a Nutcracker themed dance class!

St. James Residency
We are so excited to work with St. James Catholic School in Woodbridge, NJ this year. Miss Christina and Mr.Danny will be working closely with the students to explore space, time, & energy through the lens of their Catholic faith.