
Humanities Provide Valuable Skills to Keep Society from Crumbling

Schools and Libraries

July 25, 2023

From: California State University Northridge

Humanities Provide Valuable Skills to Keep Society from Crumbling, CSUN Dean

While politicians and even some colleges ponder the value of a liberal arts-based education, Jeffery Reeder, dean of California State University, Northridge’s College of Humanities, has no doubt that the lessons taught in those classes lay the foundation for society, and provide graduates with the tools for success.

“At the core of humanities disciplines—all of them—is asking questions about who we are as people, how we work together in groups and part of society and how we negotiate differences—whether it’s differences in goals, differences in ideologies, differences in our pasts or how we view our past,” Reeder said. “At the core of humanities are these questions: Why are we here? How did we get here? Where do we want to go, and how do we get there?..

For more of the media release: https://csunshinetoday.csun.edu/csun-leaders/humanities-provide-valuable-skills-to-keep-society-from-crumbling-csun-dean/