
Douglas County Government News Nature And History Will Come Together As Part Of Trail Expansion Plans

Government and Politics

July 13, 2022

From: Douglas County Government

Do you love exploring Douglas County’s Open Space properties and learning about the rich history of your community? Soon, you’ll be able to combine both at Lincoln Mountain Open Space near Larkspur with the renovation of the historic Evans Gandy homestead and the expansion of a trail leading to its doorstep.

At their July 12 Business Meeting, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners approved a final piece of funding to allow work to begin late this summer on the Evans Gandy property. The homestead, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, will undergo a restoration project to stabilize and preserve the structure. The property is considered a significant piece of local history associated with the pioneers of irrigated farming and livestock production in Douglas County dating back to the late 1800s.

A new trail will lead visitors to the restored structure where they will find interpretive signs detailing the history and significance of the homestead. The project is expected to be complete in the fall.

Protecting our historic and natural resources is a way of preserving the quality of life in Douglas County. That’s why Historic and Natural Resources is one of the Douglas County Commissioners’ Core Priorities. In all, $400,000 has been invested in the Evans Gandy homestead project.

See more of Douglas County’s historic, landmarked properties.