
Do You Have Time To Give And A Love Of The Outdoors

Government and Politics

August 19, 2022

From: Douglas County Government

Do you love the Douglas County outdoors and want to be more involved in your community? Get outside while helping others enjoy Douglas County’s beautiful open spaces as an Open Space Trail Ambassador.

Become the friendly, welcoming face of Douglas County Open Space – greeting visitors and providing them with advice and information to ensure they have a great outdoor experience while also protecting our land and resources.

Working in a group of two to four volunteers at the trailhead or on the trail, you will share information about and exhibit good trail etiquette while also providing friendly reminders to hikers, bikers and riders about how they can best respect the Open Space.

If you have time to give and a desire to help protect the County’s open spaces and natural resources, learn more about this opportunity and apply today.

On-site training is provided to all volunteers, making sure you are ready to hit the ground running in service of Douglas County residents. Ambassadors are extra eyes, ears and hands for Open Space staff, providing them with valuable information about trail and property conditions, visitor concerns and assisting with first aid and emergencies when needed.

If you love helping to beautify Douglas County there are a number of volunteer opportunities available to people of all interests and abilities at douglasvolunteers.com.