
David Mccormick Joins Donald Trump Days After Trump’s Suggestion That States Monitor Pregnancies To Enforce Abortion Bans

Government and Politics

May 3, 2024

When Asked If States Should Monitor Women’s Pregnancies to Enforce Abortion Bans, Trump: “I Think They Might Do That.”

HuffPost: “[McCormick] Does Not Support Exceptions in Abortion Laws For Rape or Incest”

PENNSYLVANIA — On the heels of Donald Trump suggesting that states should monitor women’s pregnancies to enforce strict abortion bans, David McCormick is joining him at a major retreat this week. McCormick shares Trump’s support for banning abortion — including a ban with no exceptions for rape or incest — and continues to embrace election deniers, fake electors, and insurrectionists.

Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesperson TaNisha Cameron issued the following statement:

“David McCormick’s decision to mingle with fellow anti-choice Republicans and election deniers combined with his support for dangerous abortion bans is disqualifying. Just days after Donald Trump suggested that states should monitor women’s pregnancies to enforce strict abortion bans, McCormick is heading to Florida to cozy up with him and Pennsylvanians know they stand together on ripping away reproductive rights.”

Read More About David McCormick’s Dangerous Anti-Choice Agenda:

  • When asked directly in a 2022 debatewhether he believed there should be exceptions for abortion in the cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother, McCormick responded only “in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.”
    • Axios: “David McCormick…said during a debate in Harrisburg last month he’s fully against all scenarios involving abortion, apart from ‘in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.’”
    • HuffPost: “McCormick has said that life begins at conception and that he does not support exceptions in abortion laws for rape or incest.”
    • HuffPost: “McCormick said in a May 2022 debate with Oz that he supports banning abortion with an exception only when the pregnant person’s life is in danger, and not in cases of rape or incest.”
    • WESA: There was no “pushback from the McCormick campaign.”

See McCormick’s Ties To January 6 Fake Electors and Insurrectionists:

  • McCormick hired a fake elector who was part of an effort to overturn the 2020 election to run his Super PAC.

  • McCormick paid a criminally indicted co-conspirator in Donald Trump’s fake elector schemes in Georgia and Arizona to help his recount efforts in the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate Republican primary.

  • McCormick clinched GOP support in Pennsylvania after being endorsed by Doug Mastriano, an outspoken election denier and January 6 insurrectionist. McCormick has never denounced Mastriano’s participation in the January 6 insurrection.