
CSUN Students To Speak on Gender and Human RightsIssues at Non-Governmental Organizations Committee on the Status of WomenForum

Schools and Libraries

March 15, 2023

From: California State University Northridge

Two teams of California State University, Northridge students tomorrow will present to members of the United Nations, their representatives and grassroots organizations from around the world on the criminalization of gender. They will present via Zoom at the 67th Non-Governmental Organizations’ Committee on the Status of Women, New York Forum, where international grassroots organizations and activists discuss gender equality, women’s rights and the empowerment of women. 

The forum — which takes place at the same time as the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women — was conceived to add more context and perspective to narratives provided at the UN commission. The forum hosts many attendees who also have seats on the commission, offering opportunities to learn about a wider range of issues from perspectives of grassroots organizers and those who identify as women….

For more of the media release: https://csunshinetoday.csun.edu/education/csun-students-to-speak-on-gender-and-human-rights-issues-at-non-governmental-organizations-committee-on-the-status-of-women-forum/