
CSUN Professor Researching And Developing Novel E-Cigarette Warnings

Schools and Libraries

August 25, 2023

From: California State University Northridge

CSUN Professor Researching And Developing Novel E-Cigarette Warnings

A California State University, Northridge communication studies professor has collaborated with a team of Cornell researchers to develop and test novel e-cigarette warnings messages with two key and divergent populations: non-smoking youth and adult smokers.

As the FDA declared a vaping epidemic, Motasem Kalaji, a professor in the CSUN Department of Communication Studies co-authored a research paper published in June 2023. The paper explored how key audience members perceive and respond to different e-cigarette warning statements that communicate potential health risks.

“I don’t think there’s such a thing as a message for all,” Kalaji said. “Usually with health warning messages, you would need a rotation of messages. Each message is designed for different audiences and works on different audiences.”

For more of the media release: CSUN Professor Researching and Developing Novel E-Cigarette Warnings