
Cowboy State Daily Declares Mark Gordon Winner Of Republican Gov Primary

Government and Politics

August 17, 2022

Cowboy State Daily Declares Mark Gordon Winner Of Republican Gov Primary

Gov. Mark Gordon has won the Republican nomination for reelection in Wyoming.

He beat out challengers Brent Bien and Rex Rammell for the win.

Gordon raised far more money than his challengers in the race. With $153,061 on-hand entering the race from his 2018 campaign, Gordon received $441,577 additional contributions for a total of $541,577  in campaign funds.

Bien received $99,822 for his campaign.

Gordon leaned on his experience as governor and his reopening of the state during the COVID-19 pandemic as reasons why voters should support him. He promotes an “all of the above” strategy when it comes to energy, encouraging investment in green energy while continuing a commitment to fossil fuels.

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