
29th Annual Master Gardener Plant Fair

Clubs and Organizations

April 19, 2023

From: Master Gardener Plant Fair

High quality garden plants for sale, locally-grown and chosen for success in our Skagit Valley environment. Free admission and parking. Free short gardening talks, plant clinic, food, and fun!

Plants include herbs, shrubs, trees, veggies, native plants, grasses, annuals, perennials, plants to attract pollinators (bees, hummingbirds, butterflies) and, of course: our annual Plant Fair is famous for the quality and variety of our tomato plants … more than 40 varieties – including slicers, salad tomatoes, cherry, and plum types, many of which are heirloom. The Plant Fair covers the entire fairgrounds with one whole building just for tomatoes.  The pavilion building is the new home for all of our other annual and perennial plants, leaving more room between plant tables for wheelchairs, wagons, wheelbarrows, and carts. Easier check-out, too.

For 46 years our Master Gardeners have been helping this community with its gardening needs – providing answers to plant production and plant problem questions.

Schedule of Events

9:00 AM - Great Plant Picks for the Pacific Northwest Garden
Speaker: Dixie Mitchell

9:30 AM - Read to Succeed: Plant Tags Tell Volumes
Speaker: Janine Wentworth

10:00 AM - Ayudando a las abejas y Mariposas (Helping Bees and Butterflies-TALK IS IN SPANISH)
Speaker: Connie Wargo

10:30 AM - Successful Gardening with Native Plants
Speaker: Sarah Zabel

11:00 AM - Pruning Success
Speaker: Claudia Wells

11:30 AM - Love Those Bugs!
Speaker: Virgene Link-New

12:00 PM - All About Tomatoes
Speaker: Judy Callahan

12:30 PM - Midnight Marauders: Controlling Slugs
Speaker: Diana Wisen

1:00 PM - Caring for your New Plant Purchases
Speaker: Diana Wisen

Date: May 13, 2023

Time: 8:00am to 2:00pm

Cost: Free

Skagit County Fairgrounds,
501 Taylor Street,
Mount Vernon, WA 98273.

Click here for more information